statistical interpretation

英 [stəˈtɪstɪkl ɪnˌtɜːprəˈteɪʃn] 美 [stəˈtɪstɪkl ɪnˌtɜːrprəˈteɪʃn]

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  1. Statistical interpretation of data& Detection and handling of outlying observations in the sample of type I extreme value distribution
  2. Arguably, these laws do not cover DNA analysis methods introduced after their passage, and the defense may still challenge laboratory performance and the statistical interpretation of results.
  3. Statistical interpretation of data Estimation of the mean Confidence interval
  4. The core-calibrated log approach and the statistical analysis technique are adopted to realize the application of developed quantitative reservoir evaluation model to detailed reservoir evaluation and well log interpretation and offer more proper parameters.
  5. Application of Transformation and Statistical Analysis of the Magnetic Field to the Interpretation and Evaluation of the Aeromagnetic Anomalies
  6. In this paper, a synthetic medium-range forecasting model for tropical cyclone motion using statistical interpretation technique is developed.
  7. Statistical analysis suggests that the spectral reflectance can be used to distinguish alkali-saline soil 、 sandy soil 、 grey-chernozemic soil 、 black soil, Which provides the theoretical basis for their interpretation on the TM image of single band.
  8. The application and development of fuzzy mathematics in the statistical interpretation of the NWP products
  9. Statistical interpretation on the relationship between the volumetric and sectional size distributions of disordered meso-structures
  10. This text sets out from the descriptive statistical interpretation of data, the systematic introduction the application in the Thermal electric power plant equipment fault detection course of changeable capacity statistical process control engineering.
  11. The. choice of statistical estimates is discussed, in author's opinion the expectation μ of the parameters of physical properties of rock and mineral specimen should be used in theory calculation and interpretation of all geophysical prospecting methods applied the principle of linear superposition.
  12. Statistical Interpretation of Action Principle
  13. Considering the interaction of practical gas, using the canonical distribution and statistical interpretation of gas pressure, this paper derives a pressure formula of practical gas directly.
  14. The forecasting errors of statistical interpretation models for forecasting tropical cyclone motion by using NWP data are less than one of statistical models by using initial environment field predictors.
  15. Discussions on the set up of deterministic, statistical and hybrid interpretation models;
  16. On Statistical Interpretation Method for Tough Reservoirs
  17. Statistical characteristic analysis of remote sensing image is fundamental to image fusion and interpretation, and the quantitative analysis of each band is the premise of image fusion.
  18. Ensemble interpretation also adheres to the view of probabilistic causality, but believes that quantum theory is a description of the ensemble based on statistical interpretation. It does not discuss either separate individual or single measurement and avoids the issue of wave function collapse.